About Alshanawani Company
Al shanawani is one of the oldest grocery companies in Riyadh, where the company started with grandfather Mustafa Al-shanawani in 1925, the first branch was opened in Riyadh in 1958, and is today a modern and leading companies in the field of marketing and selling food, and branches are located in Riyadh city.
The company is currently trading and marketing of various types and varieties of food brands, we sold directly to the consumer or wholesale. . Given the breadth of the Saudi market and heavy demand for food products, the company sought to expand by opening new branches ensure consumer needs, and offer other products, to achieve further proliferation.

Our mission is continuing every day by Providing the best regulator of food products and beverages a nutritious and produced to the highest quality specifications and standards of responsibility, which are basic necessities in all phases of life everyone renewed life vibrant health and activity.

We however have achieved success will never stop exploring ways to improve our performance. Is to ensure a brighter future for our company and for those who rely on our products.
We stick to our religion and our respect for Islamic principles, And the development and expansion of our products is devastating us leadership in the Saudi market.
Passion and enthusiasm is the driving force and driving That stand behind it, without the love of what we do would not be to our successes, our actions cannot be successful without the support of each other.